Source: register.js

import { pascalToKebab } from "./util.js";

 * Register a controller (or multiple controllers)
 * Example
 * ```js
 * registerControllers(MyController, MyOtherController, MyOtherController.withTag("some-custom-tag"));
 * ```
 * @param  {...any} controllers
const registerControllers = async (...controllers) => {
    // First find all undefined elements and assume they are custom elements
    // We can then add the `data-controller` attribute to them
    // This makes it easy for us to find which controller a given DOM element belongs to
    // We also set the `data-controller` attr during the `connectedCallback` so any elements defined later will still work
    const allUndefinedElements = [...document.querySelectorAll(":not(:defined)")];
    allUndefinedElements.forEach(el => el.setAttribute("data-controller", el.localName));

    const registerController = async controller => {
        const controllerName =;
        const controllerTag = controller.tag || pascalToKebab(controllerName);

        if (window.customElements.get(controllerTag)) {
            console.warn(`Controller "${controllerTag}" is already registered, skipping...`);

        // All custom elements required a hyphenated tag name
        if (!controllerTag.includes("-")) {
            console.error(`[${controllerName}] Controller tag name must contain a hyphen but got <${controllerTag}>`);

        // Create an anonymous class here to avoid name clashes when using the bare controller with a custom name
        window.customElements.define(controllerTag, class extends controller {}, {});

    // Register our controllers in parallel
    await Promise.allSettled( => registerController(controller)));

export { registerControllers };